

We have seen the results of this exercise program, and now more of our patients and patients everywhere, can benefit from this DVD.”

Susan A. Seedman, M.D.
Surgeon, Diseases of the Breast
Gladys S. Tsao-Wu, M.D.
Plastic Surgeon
Leanna Scott-Timperley, M.D.
Medical Oncologist

I’m so grateful that I found this video. My mom is a breast cancer survivor and really needed someone (or something) to come into her home and be her companion and motivator. I occasionally call to give a gentle reminder to pop it in the DVD player. One time when I called she mentioned that I might like to try the video to help with my back trouble. Other exercises seem to be too vigorous for my back. I tried it and it worked! I feel longer and stronger. The fun part is that when we are together we do the exercises along with a little giggling! Thanks for helping both of us move forward! – Marie M.

Your restorative exercises for breast cancer survivors video saved me 2 years ago. I am a 38 year old breast cancer and double mastectomy survivor, and without this video I would never have regained my muscle and flexibility after surgery. Physical therapy was not prescribed by my doctors, so it was up to me to heal myself, and with your help, I was able to do that. Thank you for all that you do, and for making such an amazing healing video. God Bless you! – Jane W.

After 6 months of hospitalization and infusions, my physical being was compromised. Lisa restored me to good health. Now you will be able to workout in your home with this DVD and the skillful, appropriate exercises offered by Lisa. – Joan N.

Lisa’s exercise class feels like it is designed for me. Lisa and her classes made all the difference in my recovery… restoring confidence in my body. – Helen N.

Lisa’s class gives me the energy to have bright shining days every day, and keeps the dark cloudy days at bay. – Louise H.